This service calendar will be another way for members to view past and upcoming services before officers are able to upload the hours. With this service calendar, members will learn to be more independent and more responsible for keeping track of their own hours and planning ahead for upcoming services to meet the requirements each semester. This service calendar is for your own good since officers are not always free and able to update hours. The services are listed in chronological order so you won't even have to worry about what day and month you did the service. The numbers to the left of the service name are the dates. The parenthesis show approximately how long each service is and whether the service is limited or unlimited.
**In regards to the future services, please realize that these times are times that the volunteer coordinators have given us. These approximations are subject to change and when that happens, a cabinet member will update the post and post it on Facebook.
2012-2013 SEMESTER 1
21st - San Gabriel Fine Arts Association Service (limited: 4PM - 9PM)
Total Hours in June: 5 Hours
14th - Car Wash ( Shift 1: 8AM - 12PM; Shift 2: 12PM - 4PM)
21st - POPS Concert (unlimited: 3PM - 10PM)
26th - Feed SoCal Mini-Carnival (1PM - 3PM)
Total Hours in July: 17 Hours
6th-9th, 13th-17th - Registration (limited: 7:30am-12pm)
11th -Freshman Summit (unlimited: 8am-3pm)
18th - Pops Concert (limited: 3pm-11pm)
Total Hours in August: 37.5 Hours
1st - Food Bank (unlimited: 8:30am-12pm)
7th - Meeting (0.5 hours)
15th - E -Waste (limited: 9am-3pm)
27th - Chinese American Museum (limited: 4pm-10pm)
Total Hours in September: 16 Hours
5th - Meeting (0.5 hours)
14th - AIDS Walk (unlimited: 11am-4pm)
14th - JCC carwash (limited: 9am-4pm)
17th - Town hall meeting (unlimited 4:30pm-7:30pm)
27th - Pumpkin Festival (unlimited: 9am-6:15pm)
28th - Half Marathon (unlimited: 6am-12:30pm)
Total Hours in October: 31.25 Hours
3rd - Day of the Dead (unlimited: 9am-6pm)
7th- Back to School Night (limited: 4pm-7:30pm)
8th- Directing Traffic at School (limited: 3:30pm-5pm)
17th & 18th- Griffith Park Marathon (limited: 6:30am-8:45am)
31th - Envelopes (limited: 3:00pm - 4:30pm)
Total Hours in November: 11.5
1st - Military Museum (unlimited: 10am-2pm)
2nd - Josh Duhamel Youth Run for PrepareSoCal (unimited: 7:00an-12:00pm)
9th - Car wash (limited: 9am-3pm)
14th - Food Drive (limited: 3:00pm-4:00pm
27 & 30th - Float Decorating (limited: 11am-8pm or 3pm-12am)
Total Hours in December: TBA
17th & 18th- Griffith Park Marathon (limited: 6:30am-8:45am)
31th - Envelopes (limited: 3:00pm - 4:30pm)
Total Hours in November: 11.5
1st - Military Museum (unlimited: 10am-2pm)
2nd - Josh Duhamel Youth Run for PrepareSoCal (unimited: 7:00an-12:00pm)
9th - Car wash (limited: 9am-3pm)
14th - Food Drive (limited: 3:00pm-4:00pm
27 & 30th - Float Decorating (limited: 11am-8pm or 3pm-12am)
Total Hours in December: TBA