Established Rules
-A minimum weighted GPA of 3.5 (Weight Grade Point Average which includes the extra point from Honors and AP courses)
-This semester, all general members must have at least 25 hours completed (Only 12.5 outside hours may be obtained. If you choose to hold 12.5 outside hours, you must fill out a verification log + sheet)
-This semester, all new members must have at least 10 hours completed (Only 5 outside hours may be obtained. If you choose to hold 5 outside hours, you must fill out a verification log + sheet)
-For this semester, all members must attend to at least 3 meetings starting from Friday, Oct 18th, until semester 1 ends. During that period of time, NHS held and will be holding 4 meetings in total. However, if you have a valid excuse to be omitted from the meeting, please notify a cabinet member, especially Secretary Steven Ho
-For the upcoming semesters, there will be a meeting requirement. Same goes for the previous dash, you must have a valid excuse to be omitted from the meeting.
-At the end of every semester, every general member must fill out another application, stapled with a copy of the semester's report card (The application will be posted prior before the due date)
*If you are a volunteer who can officially drive, you will earn 1 bonus hour for driving a minimum of 3 NHS volunteers to an event
-Every member can sign up to any event, and must sign up before the deadline date (bolded in red on the event post) and can drop out before the deadline date. If you are signed up to the event and fail to show up, you will be deducted 1 hour
-Virtues and integrity! Arrive to the service on time and stay until the the service ends (But if you have an emergency, you must notify the officer/leader of that service before leaving) Also, everyone must sign in and sign out. Lastly, no double-dipping. If you are signed up with NHS and another club, you will face the consequences, possibly even worse than probation.
How to get on Probation:
- Failing to meet all the requirements (That means all hours, meeting, and GPA requirement)
- Earning a D or an F on your semester's report card
- Earning a U as a citizenship grade on your semester's report card
- Coming to a service late/ditching the service early without notifying an officer (Unless there is a valid excuse) Unfortunately, if you are caught lying, you will be dismissed from NHS
If you on probation at least once, you will not earn the graduation stole and cannot run for cabinet.
*You will earn a graduation stole during the end of your senior year if you are a 6 consecutive semester member and if you never went on probation (You will look bombdiggity, so manage your time wisely and meet those hour requirements!)
*The more services you sign up for, the higher chances of encountering great possibilities and exhibiting the 4 pillars
Your lovely NHS Cabinet:
Adviser- Ms. Keller
President- Oscar Molina
Vice President- Jenny Bui
Treasurer- Kristy Wang
Secretary- Steven Ho
Public Relations- Teresa Truong
If you ever have a problem regarding with your hours, services, or any other miscellaneous things, feel free to contact any one of us on Facebook, email, or just in person. We won't ever let our guard down to make you guys happy. Cheers to a wonderful year. : )
Let's hope for an NHS social! If we're all united, everyone will be delighted.~