Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Pasadena Symphony and POPS

Pasadena Symphony and POPS
Date: Saturday, September 9th
Time: Shift 1 (3:30- 10pm)
Location: 301 N Baldwin Avenue Arcadia, CA 91007
Officer: TBA  
Limit: Unlimited

REMINDER: The last day to sign up or omit yourself from this event is Wednesday, September 6th at 8pm. TO SIGN UP, please comment your name and ID #.

We need volunteers to direct patrons and  read tickets. This event is outdoors, so be prepared for summer weather. Please wear a white, solid button-down, polo style shirt, or blouse (long or short sleeve), black pants, shorts, or skirt, and comfortable shoes ( black shoes preferred). Sunglasses and wide-brim hats (no baseball hats) are acceptable. Sunscreen and bug repellent are recommended and encouraged. Please bring a small flashlight for reading tickets after dusk.Parking is available on neighborhood streets near the venue on Harvard Drive or Stanford Drive, or you may park at the Westfield Mall lot located on Baldwin Avenue. At the conclusion of our responsibilities after the performance, pick-up is available via the Valet/VIP Lot located just south of the traffic light at Arboretum Way.Volunteers will be provided a snack and/or dinner once the performance begins. Drinking water will also be available throughout the evening.

Shift 1 (3:30- 10pm):

  1. Shirley Fung
  2. Eileen Ong
  3. Tracy Liang 
  4. Christina Lov
  5. Tiffany Kung 
  6. Cynthia Ly 
  7. Aileen Cheung
  8. Jamie Fong 
  9. Kim Ta 
  10. Wendy Zamora 
  11. Richard Ha
  12. Alice li 

Saturday, August 26, 2017


Date: Saturday, September 2nd
Time: Shift 1 (9:30am-1:30pm)
Location: Museum 480 N. Arroyo Blvd. Pasadena, CA
Officer: Sonam Huang & Catherine Huang
Limit: 12 per shift

REMINDER: The last day to sign up or omit yourself from this event is Monday, August 28th at 2pm. TO SIGN UP, please comment your name and ID #.
We will be helping with various activities throughout the museum. Lunch is provided.

Shift 1: Saturday, September 2nd (9:30am-1:30pm):
  1. Christina Lov
  2. Diana La
  3. Anthony Ly
  4. Jamie Fong
  5. Aileen Cheung
  6. Caitlin Lee
  7. Britney Ting 
  8. Richard Ha  
  9. Jocelyn Phuong 
  10. Cathy Do 
  11. Katherine Huang 
  12. Erica Wo
  1. Tiana Chung 
  2. Jake Truong
  3. Eileen Ong