Monday, September 21, 2015

Moonlight Sonata Gala

Date: Saturday, Sept. 26th
Time: 3 PM - 8 PM
Location: Ambassador Gardens/
380 W. Green St.
Pasadena, CA 91123
Officer(s): Shayna Quach

The Pasadena Symphony and POPS people need volunteers to greet and guide guests to several party location and move auction gifts/items! Dinner WILL be provided.

Please dress nicely, in a white button down dress shirt/blouse, black slacks/skirt, and black or dark colored shoes.

REMINDER: The last day to sign up or omit yourself from this service is THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH AT 8:00 PM. If you sign up and fail to attend, you will lose one hour.

1. Joy Portinga
2. Jenny Gip
3. Emily Truong
4. Monica Tan
5. Shirley Dinh
6. Sydney Nomura
7. Mason Tran
8. Kenny Yeung
9. Emma Rivera
10. Alex Zhang