Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Purple Stride

Thanks to Crystal Lam for this service! 

Date: Saturday, May 7th
Time:  6am-10:30am
Location: Exposition Park
Officer: Crystal Lam
Limit: 10 volunteers

To sign up, comment your name and ID below. 
ADDITIONALLY, SIGN UP BY CLICKING THIS LINK. https://www.kintera.org/faf/r/default.asp?ievent=1144197&lis=1&kntae1126250=042B491EEAE74AF4A48351E0B3B86665
-Chose "Join a Group" and find our group, SGHS NHS. There, fill out the necessary blanks. When it asks you for your "registration type", click "volunteer". 

REMINDER: The last day to sign up or omit yourself from this event is Thursday, May 6th by 8 PM. If you sign up and fail to attend, you will lose one hour.

Shift 1: (8am-10:30am)

  1. Crystal Lam
  2. Kevin Chai


  1. Melissa Quach 1525437

    1. Diana Do 1102931
      so is it 6 am to 10:30 am or 8 am to 10:30 am haha the post says different times

    2. This is Diana! Please omit me from the service, thank you.

  2. Kevin Chai 1535573
