Date: July 9th
Time: 3:30pm-10:00ish

301 North Baldwin Ave
Arcadia, CA 91007
Sign in/out: Britney Ting
Limit: If there are no more spots available, the google form will no longer have the specific date option
To sign up:
1) Comment your name and ID # below
2) Fill out this Google Form for the event coordinator
(Click here)
-For the "I am..." section, select "a student (part of a volunteer group)
-For "What School do you attend?", select San Gabriel HS
-For "Are you part of a school group, club, or organization", select "NHS"
-For "Name of group organizer, club president or leader", leave it blank
-For "Select your concerts", select option "July 9, 2016"
Shift 1:
- Shih Wen Ma
- Dang Lam
- Crystal Lam
- Anita Li
- Britney Ting
- Iris Zhou
- Tom Cheah
- Sydney Nomura
- Phuong Ha
- Joy Portinga
Shih Wen Ma 1535513
ReplyDeleteDANG LAM 1528691
ReplyDeleteCrystal Lam 1110384
ReplyDeleteAnita Li 1528727
ReplyDeleteBritney Ting 1111411
ReplyDeleteIris Zhou 1110785
Tom Cheah 1107419
ReplyDeleteSydney Nomura 1528854
ReplyDeletePhuong Ha 1528629
ReplyDeleteJoy Portinga 1528885