Friday, November 22, 2013

December LC Service

LC Holiday Carnival

Sunday, Dec. 22nd 2013
Time: Shift 1- 11 AM-5 PM
              Shift 2- 12 PM-4 PM
Location: Main Campus
5300 Angeles Vista Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90043
LC Committee: Chhe Tum, Jason Ngo, Jenny Trau
Attire: Casual and cozy (Kudos to you if you wear a dorky Christmas sweater!)

Thanks to your December LC, we have happy holiday service! Come and help families and children spend the holidays altogether! There will be a photo with Santa, games, prizes, and bqq for the families. You, your considerate self, will help out with the bqq (shift 1) and with the registration (shift 2). You will have fun and hours from this service will be added to your 1st semester hours. 

*Make sure to fill out THIS FORM to the coordinator. Her email is in link for more Information. 

Remember: Your last day to sign up and send the form to the coordinator is by Mon. Dec 2nd. Your last day to omit yourself from this service is Sat, Dec. 21st. If you are signed up and fail to attend, you will lose 1 hour. 

Shift 1: LIMITED TO 13:
  1. Hui Fu
  2. Sophia Huynh
  3. Savannah Cheung
  4. Davin Vuong
  5. Justin Toyomitsu
  6. Jessica Kou
  7. Aydin Hau
  8. Wendy Liu
  9. Emily Quach
  10. Emma Rivera
  11. Chin Chiao Liang
  12. Shirley Dam
  13. Ying Chow
Waiting List (Shift 1):
  1. Samantha Kou
  2. Nina Yu
  3. Halle Trang
Shift 2: LIMITED TO 12

  1. Eric Thai
  2. Toby Lin
  3. Leo Liu
  4. Cindy Pham
  5. Raymond Yang
  6. Ando Do
  7. Raymond Sy
  8. Lan Truong
  9. Sophia Htet
  10. Kenny Yeung
  11. Vien Lai
  12. Michelle Pham
Waiting List (Shift 2):
  1. Halle Trang

Monday, November 11, 2013

November's LC Service

LC Gardening Service
NEW DATE: Sat. Nov. 23rd, 2013
Time: 9 AM- 12 PM
NEW LOCATION: Madrid Park- 3300 Gilman Rd El Monte
Officer Attending: --
LC Committee (Attending!): Alan Duong, Mark Lieu, Mimi Lam, Sofia Htet, and Wilson Huang

Sorry for the change in date and location! But we really hope you can still come. Our amazing LC committee presents you a renovation service! Come by Twin Lakes Elementary School to help prune and plant trees/shcurb! Not only you'll be helping out the community, but you'll also observe the beauty of all greens. Thank you big loads, LC. 

Attire: Closed toed shoes and casual clothes that you're fine getting dirt on

Reminder: Your last day to sign up or omit yourself from this service is Friday, Nov 23rd by 6:00 PM. If you are signed up and fail to attend, you will lose one hour. 

  1. Halle Trang
  2. Emma Rivera
  3. Ivy Leao
  4. Hui Fu
  5. Raymond Yang
  6. Sulmie Tran
  7. Diana Do
  8. Terri Tang
  9. Shirley Dam
  10. Ying Chow
  11. Wendy Yu
  12. Jennifer Truong
  13. Chin Chao Liang
  14. Elizabeth Castro
  15. Nina yu

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

San Gabriel Playhouse

San Gabriel Playhouse
Sat. November 9th, 2013
Sun November 10th, 2013
Mon November 11th, 2013
Time: 12 PM- 4 PM
Location: SG Playhouse (basically across the street from Factory Tea Bar)
THREE consecutive days of local services ya'll. Basically, we are going to help Ms. Alice set up and run a fall art gallery. It is a great way to meet local artists, see art pieces, and help run a gallery.


November 9th: (FULL)
  1. Chao Yi He
  2. Gloria Quach
  3. Tiffany Chin
  4. Stella Low
November 10th:
  1. Paloma Carrillo-Gallegos
  2. Wendy Liu
  3. Emily Eng
  4. Toby Lin
November 11th: (FULL)
  1. Michelle Zhou
  2. Alan Duong
  3. Leo Liu
  4. Paloma Carrillo-Gallegos

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Play as a victim
Date: Saturday, Nov 9th, 2013
Time: 11:30 AM-4:00 PM
Location:  Rosemead Public Safety Center
8301 Garvey Ave
Rosemead Ca, 91770
Julissa Del Rio

Thanks to Julissa Del Rio, we have a new service! At the Rosemead Public Safety Center, there will be a disaster drill and you guys get to act out in the scene. The coordinators will camouflage you (with make up for bruise/blood cut effects). Isn't this great? Now go sign up! 
Attire: Casual clothes 

Reminder: Your last day to sign up and omit yourself from this service is Fri. November 8th by 6:00 PM. If you are signed up and fail to attend, you will lose 1 hour. 

LIMITED TO 10: (At the meeting, we said 15-20 members, but now the coordinator only needs 10. We're sorry about that!) 
  1. Pauline Vu
  2. Shayna Quach
  3. Aileen Lu
  4. Erica Tan
  5. Michelle Lok
  6. Jennifer Truong
  7. Chin Chiao Liang
  8. Yu Lin Ma
  9. Denise Kha
  10. Emily Vo
Waiting list
  1. Eric Thai
  2. Emily Eng
  3. Emma Rivera
  4. Lan Truong