Friday, March 20, 2015

Kidspace Easter Egg Hunt

Date: Saturday, April 4th
Time: 9 AM - 3 PM
Location: 480 N. Arroyo Blvd.
                 Pasadena, CA 91103
LC: Kylie Tran

Again, many thanks to Kylie Tran to finding these services! 

Volunteers will hide thousands of candy-filled eggs throughout the Kidspace gardens and help children hunt for them, as well as make bunny ears, plant carrot seeds, and more!

REMINDER: The last day to sign up and omit yourself from this service will be April 3rd by 8:00 PM. If you sign up and fail to attend, you will lose one hour.


1. Anita Li
2. Phuong Ha
3. Emily Dong
4. Coco Kong
5. Crystal Lam
6. Thinley Huang
7. Emily Truong
8. Yu Lin Ma
9. Shirley Dinh
10. Monica Tan
11. Jennifer Truong
12. Emma Rivera
13. Eva Fong
14. Liya Zhu
15. Brandon Tring
16. Aaron Sun
17. Michelle Pham
18. Anthony Lien
19. An Chac


Friday, March 13, 2015



Date: Sat. March 14th, 2015
Time: Shift 1: 8:30am-12:00pm
Shift 2: 12:00pm-3:30pm
Location: San Gabriel High School
Officer: Sat Shift 1- Sydney Trieu
              Sat Shift 2- look for Thomas Wang to sign in
    It's the annual E-waste hosted by PTSA! Come to the SGHS South Parking Lot and help our community by sorting out worn-out electronics.
*If you (or even friends or family) have any electronics you do not need, please feel free to drop them off at the recycling! (No refrigerators, washers, and dryers)
Attire: MUST WEAR CLOSE-TOED SHOES (You will be sent home if you wear sandals)

Reminder: Your last day to sign up and omit yourself from this service is Fri. March. 13 by 8:00 PM. If you are signed up and fail to attend, you will lose 1 hour. **Since this is LAST MINUTE SERVICE, sign up before Midnight! 
  1. Chelsea Huynh
  2. Brandon Tring
  3. Gloria Quach
  4. Lan Truong 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

BT 5K Los Angeles


Date: April 11, 2015
Time: 8-11AM
Location: Fairplex 1101 W.McKinley Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768 
LC: Kylie Tran

Thanks a lot to Kyle Tran for finding this service! 
Brain Tumor 5K Los Angeles is part of the American Brain Tumor Association(ABTA) signature Breakthrough for Brain Tumors 5K series. Currently, more than 700,000 people in the U.S. are living with a brain tumor diagnosis. Your support allows the ABTA to fund desperately needed brain tumor research, patient programs and support services. At this service, we will be helping out with sign ups, handling out water and setting up tents.

*Please put your shirt size when signed up for this service.

Reminder: Your last day to sign up and omit yourself from this service will be WEDNESDAY, April 8th by 8:00PM. If you are signed up and fail to attend, you will lose 1 hour.

  1. Emma Rivera- Small
  2. Chin Chiao Liang- Small 
  3. Anastasia Ramirez- Small
  4. Ivy San
  5. Michell Tham- Small
  6. Amy Hua- Small

Saturday, March 7, 2015

San Gabriel Valley-Special Olympics


Date: March 27th
Time: 7:30am-1pm
Location: San Marino High School
2701 Huntington Dr, San Marino, CA 91108
LC: Kylie Tran

Thanks to Kylie Tran for this awesome local service where we will have the opportunity to help out special need kids at the Special Olympics. At this service we will help guide the events (just like the real olympics), sign ups, encourage competitors, and handling out medals.

Volunteer must register their desired job at this Website
*When registering, register for the Bullpen 1, it's will be a general area where we would be able to volunteer together and/or be separated if anything. Bullpen = Awards

Reminder: Your last day to sign up and omit yourself from this service will be March 20th by 8:00PM. If you are signed up and fail to attend, you will lose 1 hour.

  1. Anita Li 
  2. Phuong Ha 
  3. Emily Dong 
  4. Kim Pham
  5. Yu Lin Ma 
  6. Jennifer Truong
  7. Mason Tran 
  8. Emma Rivera 
  9. Lisa Zhou
  10. Jamie Yang
  11. Sydney Nomura
  12. Tom Cheah
  13. Cuiting Yu
  14. Jonathon Nguyen
  15. Thinley Huang
  16. Eva Fong
  17. Thomas Wang
  18. Brandon Tring
  19. Aaron Sun
  20. Michell Tham
  21. Ivy San 
  22. Vicki Wu
  23. Emily Eng
  24. Ying Chow
  25. Shirley Dam 
  26. Anastasia Ramirez 
  27. Crystal Lam
  28. Amy Hua
  29. Leo Liu
  30. Helay Liang
  31. Eric Truong 
  32. Aileen Lu
  33. Melissa Quach
  34. Anthony Lien