Thursday, February 26, 2015

LA Marathon 2015

Date: Sun. March 15, 2015
Time: 7:30 AM- 3:00 PM
Location: Finish - Area, Santa Monica (Approx. Location is near Wilshire Blvd and Arizona. More details for specific instructions for parking and where the race is settled will be posted later) 
Officer(s): Teresa Truong, Shayna Quach

Be a part of one of the largest running events in the country! We will be working at the Post Finish Food & Fluid shift, where we will be passing out food and refreshments to drained out runners! You'll have fun, meet great people, and enjoy the thrill of victory without having to break a sweat.
Attire and notes: Wear closed toed shoes and appropriate wear for the weather. More information about parking and the event will be posted soon. 


2. Look for the group name San Gabriel High School NHS and click on it
3. Enter spreadthelove for the password.
4. Click join group after the you searched for our group and have entered the password.
5. You will be directed to another page where you will need to fill out your information.
6. Once you are done entering your information, click "join group" on the bottom of the page and follow directions given,


  1. Sydney Trieu 
  2. Valeria Duran
  3. Victoria Vu
  4. Eric Truong 
  5. Erica Tan 
  6. Aileen Lu 
  7. Ashley Rodriguez
  8. Toby Lin
  9. Sydney Nomura
  10. Wendy Yu
  11. Ivy Leao 
  12. Emily Quach
  13. Cindi Yu
  14. Winnie Tran
  15. Mason Tran
  16. Eva Fong
  17. Tom Cheah
Waiting List: 
  1. Jamie Yang
  2. Kim Pham 
  3. Lan Truong

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lantern Festival 2015

Lantern Festival (Chinese American Museum)
Date: March 7, 2015
Shift: Shift 1- 9 AM- 1 PM
          Shift 2- 1 PM- 5 PM
          Shift 3- 5 PM- 8 PM
Location: Chinese American Museum
           425 N. Los Angeles Street
           Los Angeles, CA 90012
Officer(s): Shift 1: Jared Gao
Shift 2: Jared Gao
Shift 3: Shayna Quach, Jared Gao

This annual festival will feature a variety of arts and craft workshops, book signings, and cultural state performances. Lunch, parking, and a t-shirt will be given to volunteers who participate. Come assist the beautiful cultural celebration that has been happening for over 9 years!

Reminder: Your last day to sign up and omit yourself from this service will be March 1st by midnight. If you are signed up and fail to attend, you will lose 1 hour.

LIMITED TO ? (Shift 1):
  1. Jonathon Nguyen
  2. Emily Dong 
  3. Anita Li 
  4. Phuong Ha 
  5. Tiffany Chin
  6. Coco Kong
  7. Helay Liang
  8. Terri Tang 
  9. Anthony Lien
  10. Emily Nguyen
  11. Emily Truong
  12. Cuiting Yu
  13. Mason Tran (S)
  14. Monica Tan 
  15. Jenny Gip 
  16. Emily Eng (S)
  17. Shirley Dinh (S)
  18. Winston Hau (M)
  19. Toby Lin (M)
Waiting List:
  1. Cuiting Yu
  2. Diana Do
  3. Kelly Tam
  4. Ivy San 
  5. Uyen Sy
  6. Shirley Dinh
  7. Chelsea Huynh
  8. Kenny Yeung
  9. Eric Truong
  10. Aileen Lu 
  11. Emily Eng
  12. Shirley Dinh
  13. Winston Hau
LIMITED TO ? (Shift 2):
  1. Emily Dong 
  2. Anita Li 
  3. Phuong Ha 
  4. Tiffany Chin
  5. Coco Kong
  6. Helay Liang
  7. Anthony Lien
  8. Cuiting Yu
  9. Lawrance Huynh
  10. Diana Do
  11. Jimmy Vuu
  12. Jenny Gip 
  13. Monica Tan
  14. Jonathon Nguyen 
  15. Mason Tran (S)
  16. Emily Eng (S)
  17. Winston Hau (S)
  18. Toby Lin (M)
  19. Emily Nguyen 
Waiting List: 
  1. Monica Tan
  2. Emily Nguyen
  3. Emily Eng
  4. Chelsea Huynh
  5. Ashley Rodriguez
  6. Lawrance Huynh
  7. Kenny Yeung
  8. Eric Truong
  9. Aileen Lu 
  10. Emily Eng
  11. Winston Hau

LIMITED TO ? (Shift 3):
  1. Tiffany Chin
  2. Jenny Gip 
  3. Monica Tan 
  4. Emily Dong
  5. Lawrance Huynh
  6. Kenny Yeung
  7. Eric Truong
  8. Aileen Lu 
  9. Mason Tran (S)
  10. Eric Truong (S)
  11. Aileen Lu (S)
  12. Winston Hau (M)
  13. Calvin Phung (M)
  14. Anita Li
  15. Phuong Ha
Waiting List:
  1. Winston Hau

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

February LC


DATE: Shift 1: Feb. 28, 2015
Shift 2: Mar.1, 2015
TIME: 6:30am-12:00pm (OFFICIAL)
LOCATION: 943 N Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90012
LC: Emily Dong

Thanks a ton to Emily Dong for finding this service. 
It's that time of the year where we Asians love MOST! yes it's the annual Lunar New Year. As tradition goes, Lunar New Year is the new year in the Lunar Calendar, many people celebrate it with praying, dragon dancing and lighting firecrackers! At the firecracker service, we will be in different committees with different jobs, for more information please visit this site (don't sign up, we'll do that for you)

Note: when commenting, please have your name, ID, and T-shirt size. Thanks!
Reminder: Your last day to sign up and omit yourself from this service is a day before the service, by 8:00 PM. If you are signed up and fail to attend, you will lose 1 hour. 
  1. Anita Li 
  2. Wendy Yu
  3. Ivy Leao
  4. Toby Lin
  5. Brandon Tring 
  6. Aaron Sun 
  7. Shirley Dam
  8. Emily Truong
  9. Shirley Dinh
  10. Jimmy Vuu
  11. Jenny Gip
  12. An Chac
  13. Phuong Ha 
  14. Emily Eng
  15. Monica Tan

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

2015-16' Elections


Candidates, thank you for applying. Your next step of elections process is the individual interviews.

President: Shayna Quach, Toby Lin
Vice President: Jared Gao
Treasurer: Emily Dong, Eric Thai, Ivy San, Thinley Huang
Secretary: Anita Li, Anthony Lien, Calvin Phung, Tom Cheah
Public Relations: Kelly Tam, Phuong Ha, Sydney Trieu

Interview Dates: Your designated interview date will take place in Keller's room (SA-8) during lunch. You will be interviewed by yours truly, current cabinet. Please arrive promptly, and wait patiently for your turn. Best of luck, and just be yourself! 
- Tues. Feb 17th- Vice President and Treasurer candidates
- Wed. Feb 18th- Secretary candidates
- Thurs. Feb 19th- President and Public Relations candidates

Speeches will be the next step of this process. Win the hearts of your fellow NHS members by delivering a 3 minute speech, exemplifying your concern and dedication to become the next board. (You can incorporate the 4 pillars, sing, rap, or any style to your liking)

Two meetings will account for designated speeches. At the end of speech meetings, all members will vote. (*Every member is required to attend)

Speech dates and presenters: 
Fri. Feb. 27th, 2015- Treasurers and Public Relations
Fri. March 6th, 2015- Presidents, Vice President, and Secretaries

Fri. March 13th, 2015- 2015-2016 Cabinet results are announced

Good Luck!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

CAM booth at San Gabriel Lunar New Year Festival

CAM booth at SG Festival
Date: Sun. Feb. 15th, 2015
Time: Shift 1: 9:30 AM-12:30 PM
          Shift 2: 12:30 PM-3:30 PM
         Shift 3: 3:30 PM- 6:30 PM
Location: Padillo Room (Across from FTB)
If you are facing the Mission Playhouse, the Padillo Room is to the right
Officer(s): TBA

The Lantern Festival (CAM) from DTLA is having a booth at the SG Lunar New Year Festival! They will need a minimum of helpers per shift at their booth. Here, you will be assisting the coordinator. Come help and celebrate the Lunar New Year Festival! 
Note: You will receive a free t-shirt and refreshments
***Those who were wait-listed for the Lantern Festival (CAM) service (March 7th) are not receiving a spot to volunteer that day. However, the coordinator is giving you a chance to help out here! The 13 wait-listed people have priority sign-up until 2/9/15, 8:00 PM.***
After priority sign-up deadline, ALL members are opened to sign up. 

You can no longer sign up or omit yourself from this service! However, if you have a valid excuse to not attend, please message Teresa Truong. 

CAM Booth will be located on #1 on the map, right next to the Kid's Zone. Please meet up with her there. Have fun. 
LIMITED TO 5 (Shift 1):
  1. Emily Eng
  2. Tiffany Chin
  3. Kelly Tam
  4. Uyen Sy
  5. Leo Liu

    1. Monica Tan
LIMITED TO 5 (Shift 2):
  1. Emily Eng
  2. Tiffany Chin
  3. Kelly Tam
  4. Uyen Sy
  5. Ashley Rodriguez

    2. Monica Tan
    3. Jennifer Truong
LIMITED TO 5 (Shift 3):
  1. Ashley Rodriguez
  2. Jennifer Truong
  3. Thinley Huang
  4. Eva Fong

Saturday, February 7, 2015

San Gabriel Lunar New Year Festival

SG New Year Lunar Festival
Date: Sun. Feb. 15th, 2015
Time: 10:30 AM- 5:30 PM
Location: Padillo Room (Across from FTB)
If you are facing the Mission Playhouse, the Padillo Room is to the right
Officer(s): Aydin Hau
Note: You will meet up at the water fountain to find Alice Lee, your coordinator

The city of San Gabriel is holding its first annual Lunar New Year Celebration! The San Gabriel Arts Association will be stationed at the Padillo Room. Here, you will help create arts and, with the coordinator's need of assistance, help around the festival. Happy New Year and please come and help your community. (The week of the event is a 3 day weekend! So do not be bothered that it's a Sunday, for you will be able to relax, study, and hang out next the Monday morning!)

Reminder: Your last day to sign up and omit yourself from this service is a day before the event, by 8:00 PM. If you are signed up and fail to attend, you will be deducted 1 hour. 
  1. Melissa Quach
  2. Winnie Tran
  3. Vien Lai
  4. Kylie Tran
  5. Jenny Gip
  6. Ashley Del Rio
  7. Julissa Del Rio
  8. Gloria Quach
  9. Chelsea Huynh
  10. Sydney Nomura
  11. Shirley Dinh
  12. Cuiting Yu
  13. Alex Zhang
  14. Amy Hua
  15. Michelle Tham
  16. Vicki Wu
  17. An Chac
  18. Chao Yi He
  19. Amber Bui
  20. Coco Kong