Tuesday, October 28, 2014

November LC

Mariachi 5k Run 2014

Date: Sat. Nov. 1st, 2014
Time: 6 AM- 11:30 AM
Location: 1401 W. Whittier Blvd. Montebello
Officer(s): TBA
LC: Emily Nguyen, Lisa Zhou

Applause for another Marathon, thanks to our November LC! Sign up to this local service, where you pass out bibs to runners, direct routes to runners, and celebrate the aesthetic Mariachi music. Bonus? Free salsa!
Note: You will need to fill out a waiver. Emily Nguyen will be receiving those from the coordinator soon. We will keep you updated on this.
Attire: Comfortable outdoor clothing. Do not wear sandals.

Reminder: Your last day to sign up and omit yourself from this service is Fri. Oct.31st by 8:00 PM. If you are signed up and fail to attend, you will lose 1 hour. 

  1. Brandon Tring
  2. Aaron Sun
  3. Shirley Dinh
  4. Emily Truong
  5. Calvin Phung
  6. Thomas Wang
  7. Chin Chiao Liang
  8. An Chac
  9. Emily Vo
  10. Denise Kha
  11. Melissa Quach
  12. Mason Tran
  13. Winston Hau 
  14. Dang Lam
  15. Michell Tham
  16. Tom Cheah
  17. Jamie Yang
  18. Emily Quach
  19. Anthony Lien
  20. Victoria Vu
  21. Valeria Duran

Friday, October 17, 2014

E-Waste 2014


Date: Sat. and Sun. Oct. 25-26
Time: Shift 1: 9:00am-12:00pm
Shift 2: 12:00pm-3:00pm
Location: San Gabriel High School
Officer: Sat Shift 1- TBA
              Sat Shift 2- Jared Gao (Will run late)
              Sun Shift 1-Eric Thai
              Sun Shift 2- Eric Thai
    It's the annual E-waste hosted by PTSA! Come to the SGHS South Parking Lot and help our community by sorting out worn-out electronics.
*If you (or even friends or family) have any electronics you do not need, please feel free to drop them off at the recycling! (No refrigerators, washers, and dryers)
Attire: MUST WEAR CLOSE-TOED SHOES (You will be sent home if you wear sandals)

Reminder: Your last day to sign up and omit yourself from this service is Fri. Oct.24th by 8:00 PM. If you are signed up and fail to attend, you will lose 1 hour.

  1. Sulmie Tran
  2. Emily Truong
  3. Sydney Trieu
  4. Alex Zhang
  5. Chelsea Huynh
  6. Sydney Nomura
  7. Jenny Gip
  8. Tiffany Chin
  9. Emily Eng
  10. Kristy Duong
  11. Jonathon Nguyen
          SHIFT.2 (LIMITED TO 10)
  1. Sulmie Tran
  2. Chelsea Huynh
  3. Emily Eng
  4. Kristy Duong
  5. Amy Hua
  6. Vicki Wu
  1. Phuong Ha
  2. Anthony Lien
  3. Anita Li
  4. Victoria Vu
  5. Valeria Duran
  6. Vien Lai
  7. Shirley Dinh 
  8. Tom Cheah
  9. Emily Dong

           SHIFT.2 (LIMITED TO 10)
  1. Dang Lam
  2. Phuong Ha
  3. Anita Li
  4. Coco Kong
  5. Shirley Dinh 
  6. Emily Dong
  7. Joy Portinga
  8. Julissa Del Rio
  9. Kristy Duong

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Rock N Roll Half Marathon 2014

Date: Sat. Oct. 25th, 2014
          Sun. Oct. 26th, 2014 
Time: Shift 1: Saturday 8 AM- 1:30 PM
           Shift 2: Sunday 6:30 AM- 11:45 AM
Location: Shift 1: Los Angeles Convention Center- 1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90015
Shift 2: Westbound E. 3rd St. in front of Higashi Honganji Buddhist Temple just West of S Central Ave
Officers: Shift 1- Aydin Hau
                Shift 2- Teresa Truong
        The Rock N' Roll Half Marathon is the NHS annual tradition! Come watch runners jog in sweat and their fancy costumes! Help out distribute runner number bibs and tshirts (Shift 1) and help out distribute water (Shift 2)!
Attire: Do not wear open toed shoes. Wear light clothing that you'd be comfortable working outdoors in. Please be sure to bring your waiver (Steps shown below which will direct you to it)

(MANDATORY) MUST SIGN UP IN THIS LINK: http://volunteer.competitor.com/signup.php?event_id=455&group_id=5306
When you are signed up to your particular shift from the link above, you will get an email which will include an important waiver that MUST be filled out and brought to the event day, particularly for those who are under 18. 

More Info:http://runrocknroll.competitor.com/los-angeles/volunteer

Reminder: Your last day to sign up and omit yourself from this service is Fri. Oct.24th by 8:00 PM. If you are signed up and fail to attend, you will lose 1 hour. 

To check if you are signed up, click here: http://volunteer.competitor.com/group_report.php?YzJocFpuUmZhV1E5TlRNd05nPT0=

SHIFT 1 Limited to 25
  1. Andrew Tum
  2. Aileen Lu
  3. Erica Tan
  4. Eric Truong
  5. Jennifer Truong 
  6. Halle Trang
  7. Emily Vo
  8. Lawrance Huynh
  9. Eva Fong
  10. Thinley Huang
  11. Jessica Kou

SHIFT 2 Limited to 25

  1. Wendy Yu
  2. Ivy Leao
  3. Andrew Tum
  4. Eric Truong
  5. Emma Rivera
  6. Yu Lin Ma
  7. Winnie Tran
  8. Cindi Yu
  9. Cuiting Yu 
  10. Ivy San
  11. Kelly Tam
  12. Lan Truong

Friday, October 10, 2014

Congratulations Admitted Members 2014-15

Congratulations to
Aaron Sun
Alex Zhang
Amy Hua
An Chac
Andrew Huang
Andy Le
Anita Li
Anthony Lien
Ashley Del Rio
Brandon Tring
Calvin Phung
Crystal Lam
Dang Lam
Derek Lam
Emily Dong
Emily Truong
Eva Fong
Ivy San
Jamie Yang
Jenny Gip
Jimmy Vuu
Jonathan Nguyen
Joy Portinga
Kelly Tam
Kim Pham
Kylie Tran
Lawrence Huynh
Li Chong Kong (Coco)
Mason Tran
Michell Tham
Monica Tran
Phuong Ha
Shirley Dinh
Sydney Nomura
Sydney Trieu
Thinley Huang
Thomas Wang
Tom Cheah
Uyen Sy
Valeria Duran
Victoria Vu
Winston Hau

We are excited to work and make memories with you all in the near future. Keep achieving, newly inductees! 

- National Honors Society Cabinet 2014-15                       

Ps. Stay updated on the Facebook group and this blogspot about new services, meetings, hour requirements, and many more.

P.s.s. There will be an Induction ceremony for all the new members in a couple of weeks. Keep checking up on the sites to see new information about it. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

2014-2015 Rules

Established Rules

  1. You must have a minimum weighted GPA of 3.5 (AP and Honors extra point counts toward GPA) 
  2. All general members must have at least 25 hours completed (1st and 2nd Semester). Seniors must complete their reduced 12.5 hour requirement (2nd Semester.) Lastly, half or less of your requirement hours can be outside hours.
  3. All new members must have at least 10 hours completed. (1st semester) All new members will be consider general members during 2nd semester of this school year.
  4. This semester, all general members must attend to at least 4 meetings starting from Friday, Sept. 5th, until semester 1 ends. NHS will conduct 7 meetings in total during 1st semester. All new members must attend 3 meetings starting on Friday Oct. 17th, until semester 1 ends which are only 4 meetings. (You are exempt from meetings if you have a valid excuse. E.g. Peer counseling or other Friday cabinet meetings. Be sure to notify Secretary Shayna Quach)
  5. During the end of the semester, every member must re-apply. Members must fill out the designated form for that particular semester (Ask Secretary for help) and must staple a copy of their recent semester's report card. 


  1. If a member (must also be a volunteer)  drives a minimum of 3 NHS volunteers to an event, the driver will earn an extra hour. (No parent/guardian/non-member can help a member earn the extra hour.) 
  2. You may sign up or omit yourself from an event before the deadline date (Stated on every post) 
  3. If you are signed up and fail to show up, you will be deducted 1 hour.
  4. You must arrive to the service on time and stay until the the service ends (In case of an emergency, you must notify the attending officer/leader before leaving) 
  5. Everyone must sign in and sign out of every service. No record of your presence will result in a deduction an hour. 
  6. No double-dipping. If you are signed up with NHS and another club for the same service, and you attempt to gain hours for both, you will face further ramifications. 
  7. Outside hours from previous semester shall not be included in the current semester's hours
Face Probation:
  1. One fails to meet all the requirements (That means all hours, meeting, and GPA requirements) 
  2. One earns a D or an F on final semester report card
  3. One earns a U as a citizenship grade on final semester report card 
  4. One attends a service and sneaks out of the service early without notifying an officer 
If one is placed on probation at least once, one will be ineligible for a stole and and unqualified to run for NHS cabinet. There is no way to repeal a member's probation. 

  1. A 6 (consecutive) semester NHS member who is never placed on probation will earn a graduation stole. 
  2. National Honors Society is a nationally well-known organization. Be proud that you are helping the community and be blessed that you'll be strengthening your abilities as you encounter more favorable chances to benefit  the world. 

NHS Cabinet (+Emergency Contact number)
Adviser- Ms. Keller
President- Teresa Truong (626) 537-7137 
Vice President- Aydin Hau
Treasurer- Jared Gao (626) 905-5033
Secretary- Shayna Quach (626) 315-7726
Public Relations- Eric Thai (626)-560-0574